Live Captions

Caption your WebEx Meetings with SyncWords Live

SyncWords Live has become synonymous with live captioning in the new world of online meetings and virtual conferences. How can you integrate SyncWords Live with your next WebEx session, utilizing SyncWords’ captioning and translation to maximize your WebEx event’s success? Here’s a step by step process by Team SyncWords.

SyncWords Live helps organizations make the shift to a new normal of online meetings and working from home. As businesses, houses of worship, government, and educational institutions move towards remote meetings, events, distance learning, and other streaming services; organizations are scrambling to find solutions that are inclusive of ALL participants.

SyncWords Live helps organizations do just that by providing an intuitive platform to easily deliver real-time captions to online meeting platforms like WebEx. While SyncWords Live can be used as a primary tool to help deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences and meeting Section 508 compliance, accessibility broadens the scope of reach while engaging and enabling foreign language participation.

A number of studies have shown that captions provide clarity and also boost comprehension and retention of information among its participants. In addition, SyncWords Live can deliver real-time machine translation of the source language human-generated captions into over 100 languages, resulting in a truly global reach and participation.

WebEx live captioning is easy with SyncWords Live. Follow these simple instructions below to make your event accessible. Please allow a few minutes before your WebEx start time to complete the setup. Although, if you're like most event producers, you'll do this way ahead of time.

To start off, you’ll need the SyncWords Live captions page URL for your WebEx event, which is located at the top of your event page in SyncWords Live.

Host Step 1: Start the WebEx session. Open the Multimedia Viewer panel in the menu by clicking on View > Panels > Manage Panels.

Host Step 2: From the Manage Panels window, select Multimedia Viewer from the Available panels section, Add> to Current panels, and select OK.

Host Step 3: Next, open Share Multimedia in the menu by clicking Share > Share Multimedia.

Copy and paste your SyncWords Live captions page URL for WebEx in the URL field.

The URL we’re using in WebEx is the standard captions page URL with the leading ‘w-‘ changed to ‘x-‘ following the domain. Select OK.

Host Step 4: Upon the completion of step 3, captions will become available in the Multimedia Viewer panel. Users have the ability to customize the look and feel, and switch between languages if translations have been enabled.

Screen Sharing and Host View of Captions
When a host shares the screen, the Multimedia Viewer and captions will no longer be visible to the host. The host can re-enable the Multimedia Viewer by choosing from the set of controls at the top of the screen - select More > Multimedia Viewer. The Multimedia Viewer window can be repositioned or resized on screen.

(Note: viewers may get a warning in the multimedia viewer that an external website is being shown.  This is normal and viewers can simply click on the “Continue” button to display the live captioning and subtitling)

At SyncWords, with every new feature we release and every new product we create for our partners and audiences, what drives us is our passion to make the world a truly inclusive world that is accessible for all, wherever we may be. We bring the world closer with more than 100 languages that your captions can be translated to, in real time. So, the next time you think WebEx, think captions, think translation.
Think SyncWords.

Make your virtual events or media accessible and multi-lingual
Subtitles for Live Events
Subtitles On-Demand
  • Premium support
  • 20 Years experience
  • Human & AI captions
  • Minimum delay delivery
  • Translate to over 100 languages
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