SyncWords’ Live ASR: Automated Captions and Extended Language Support for Translations
Automatic Speech Recognition (Live ASR) by itself is not enough to provide the best viewer experience. We all have seen on video streaming platforms automatic captions that don’t connect well with the audio of the media file playing. It was one of the challenges for SyncWords too. So, how can a sometimes problematic solution like ASR be enhanced to resolve this particular – sometimes hilarious, sometimes embarrassing – issue?
One word, which is also the SyncWords’ core principle: innovation. As a company providing unparalleled technical expertise in captioning, Team SyncWords had to come up with an innovative solution that honors the convenience of ASR while effectively mitigating language errors in the caption output.
Here, SyncWords had another feather in its cap. With the extensive library of languages for its translation services, the new Live ASR offering is a melding of two solutions with an enhanced layer of linguistic parsing and immediacy of automatic captioning. SyncWords’ expert technicians assigned to events can work with customers to build dictionaries that will significantly increase accuracy of Automatic Captioning. Thus, all critical vocabulary, names, and brands will be transcribed, translated correctly, and delivered in real time to the virtual event platform of your choice, mobile phones, and web browsers.
With this latest syncretic offering, SyncWords now offers automatic live captions and subtitles in 40+ source languages for virtual events. All this is hassle-free, even with tight scheduling requirements, complemented with personalized expert assistance for every single event 24/7 to address any possible questions or needs.
With this solution, event agencies, organizers, and meeting planners can use SyncWords to provide real time captions and subtitles in multiple languages for webinars, conferences, virtual, hybrid, and in-person events. Basically, on any virtual event platform.
Solving Tech Challenges for Automatic Captioning
Not all virtual event platforms are optimized to work with automatic captioning (Live ASR). SyncWords’ Team tackles this by capturing the audio directly from the meeting application and sending it to the SyncWords Live platform for automatic captioning. This way, the audio from any meeting or virtual event application can work with the SyncWords Automatic Captioning solution.
With SyncWords’ Live ASR, users and audiences enjoy not just one or two, but all eight benefits, which include:
- Live Captions and Translations in 40+ base languages and 100+ target languages;
- Enhanced accuracy with ASR dictionaries and translation glossaries;
- One-stop solution for those last-minute events and meetings with short notice, making it convenient for organizations of all sizes.
- Dedicated, round-the-clock tech expertise: SyncWords’ support team is made up of experts in virtual events platforms, streaming solutions, captioning, and video production.
- 24/7 availability, fully cloud-based;
- Over 100 event platforms are supported. All event formats covered: virtual, hybrid, and in-person.
- Comes as a bundled offering with post-event analytics for a deep dive into event success metrics.
- A personalized training program is in place to accompany clients who prefer to manage the event themselves.

How It Works
SyncWords has simplified the process while ensuring a dedicated approach and service to each customer.
- SyncWords’ Expert Support Technician joins the virtual event, captures the audio from the live stream, and transmits it for the SyncWords Live Automatic Captioning.
- Automatic Live Captions are generated in the language spoken during the event.
- Live Subtitles are delivered through an iframe widget so that attendees have user-friendly access to real-time transcription in their live event platform.
- For Hybrid and in-person events, a QR code access enables attendees to see automatic captions on their mobile device while assisting to a conference or presentation.

Testing SyncWords Automatic Captioning
SyncWords Live empowers live event planners to test automatic captioning workflows ahead of their live event or conference. Using our platform, any AV team can set up a test environment and try the automatic captioning for themselves. So, in practice, clients can test their streaming workflows, demonstrate this system to stakeholders, and plan rehearsals, all with a simple, easy-to-use web interface.
“This new live automatic captioning solution is far superior than anything I have used before”, said Giovanni Galvez, VP of Business Development at SyncWords and captioning expert. “Our technicians are able to prepare the system using machine learning to get high accuracy and help our customers with all technical aspects of capturing the audio from the meeting.”
Contact us for a complete list of languages that are supported. Another important aspect of this offering: while most platforms such as Zoom, MS Teams, Webex, and Google Meet support a limited number of languages, SyncWords offers 40+ languages, thus enabling global users to caption their meetings in real-time, pushing the accessibility forward, and getting wider audience reach.